Walling Guidance Data Sheets |
Stockbay Walls Design Guidance for Interlocking blocks |
Stockbay Walls Inspecction Guidance for Interlocking blocks |
New Stockbay Walls Design Guidance (All Wall types) |
New Stockbay Walls Inspection Guidance (All Wall types) |
Block Installation RAMS Example |
Shear Force Calculations – Legato & Duo Blocks |
Tipping Force Calculations – Legato Blocks |
Further design guidance on shear resistance between Legato blocks |
Securing and Restraining top courses of blocks against accidental impact |
Wavy Tail Sockets – angled lifts |
Product Performance Document – Fire Safety of Interlocking Concrete Blocks |
Legato Block install jointing detail |
Guide for Designing Retaining Walls using interlocking concrete blocks |
Typical strip foundation details for a 4m high Legato wall storing 1t/m³ material |
Retaining Walls – Design Statement |
Typical loads – Duo, Legato & Vee Blocks |
WISH Guidance for the design, operation and maintenance of containment walls |
Site Inspection Service Flyer |