Pipe Weights / Pipe Collars
Precast concrete pipe collars or pipe weights are used to secure plastic pipes in marine applications, as PE’s density is about 96% of that for fresh water, and about 94% of that for sea water, PE pipe floats even when full of water.
The pipes can be assembled on shore, where the empty pipe may be weighted to an extent that allows the air-filled pipe to be floated to its intended location, and in most cases, sufficiently weighted to keep it anchored at its final submerged location.
The precast concrete collars will hold the pipes in place and where necessary sink pipes to the sea bottom.
The Plastic Pipe Institute recommends the use of precast concrete to prevent cracking of ballasts when handling, tightening and moving PE pipe, they are typically and made to symmetrical designs, such as Elites, to avoid twisting during submersion.